Kimvita Bibliography

Ahmed, Ahmed Hussein. 2000. ‘Tanabahi na ada za kale za Wa-Mvita’, Jua 4, (6): 5-14.

Akinola, G. Akin. 1968. ‘The Mazrui of Mombasa’, Tarikh 2, (3): 26-40.

Frankl, Peter J. L. (with Yahya Ali Omar). 1991. ‘Mombasa under the BuSa‘idi. A Leaf from the Taylor Papers (SOAS MS 47757, folio 50)’, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 141: 131-138.

Frankl, Peter J. L. (in consultation with Yahya Ali Omar). 1993. ‘‘P’aka Dezi’: Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat (being a study of one item from the Hinawy Collection)’, Afrika und Übersee 76: 273-287.

Frankl, Peter J. L. (in consultation with Yahya Ali Omar). 1993. ‘Five Swahili Women: Weighed in the Balance (A further leaf from the Taylor Papers)’, Afrika und Übersee 76: 289-298.

Frankl, Peter J. L. & Yahya Ali Omar. 1994. ‘Shairi la washona-nguo wa Mambasa. ‘The Tailors of Mombasa’. A Nineteenth Century Satire from Central Swahili-Land’. In: Rose-Marie Beck, Thomas Geider & Werner Graebner (eds), Swahili Forum I. (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 37). Köln: Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität Köln. Pp. 29-46.

Frankl, Peter J. L. & Yahya Ali Omar. 1994. ‘Swahili Letters from The Taylor Papers: being a study of SOAS MS 47769 & MS 47782’, South African Journal of African Languages 14, Supplement 1: 2-11.

Frankl, Peter J. L. 1994. Review: Anne Thurston, Guide to Archives and Manuscripts Relating to Kenya and East Africa in the United Kingdom. Vol. 1: Official Records. Vol. 2: Non-official Ar- chives and Manuscripts, London 1991; in: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesell- schaft 144: 212-215.

Frankl, P. J. L. 1997. → Omar, Yahya Ali & P. J. L. Frankl. 1997. ‘Ethnic Groups and Their Assignment within the Swahili Noun Class System (with special reference to Mombasa)’, Afrika und Übersee 80: 217-231. (With a biography and bibliography of Shihabuddin Chiraghdin, pp. 228- 231).

Frankl, P. J. L., Yahya Ali Omar (Part 1) & Janet Topp Fargion (Part 2). 1998. ‘Kasha Langu. A Popular Song from Swahili Mombasa’. In: Rose-Marie Beck, Thomas Geider & Werner Graebner (eds), Swahili Forum V. (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 55). Köln: Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität Köln. Pp. 17-25.

Frankl, P. J. L. (in consultation with Yahya Ali Omar). 2000. ‘Siku ya Mwaka – The Swahili New Year (with special reference to Mombasa)’. In: Rose-Marie Beck, Lutz Diegner, Thomas Geider & Werner Graebner (eds), Swahili Forum VII. (= Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 64). Köln: Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität Köln. Pp. 5-31.

Geider, Thomas. 1992. ‘Remarks on Three Ogre Tales as Narrated by Binti Amira Msellem Said from Mombasa’, Swahili Language and Society: Notes and News 9: 49-59.

Harries, Lyndon. 1959. ‘Swahili Traditions of Mombasa’, Afrika und Übersee 43: 81-105.

Harries, Lyndon. 1960. ‘The Founding of Rabai – A Swahili Chronicle by Midani bin Mwidad’, Swahili 1, 2 (31): 140-149.

Heine, Bernd. 1989. ‘A Note on the Historical Classification of Mvita’. In: Marie-Françoise Rombi (ed.), Le Swahili et ses limites. Ambiguïté des notions reçues. Table Ronde Internationale du CNRS (Sèvres, 20-22 avril 1983). Paris: CNRS. Pp. 59-68.

Hinawy, Mbarak Ali. 21970. (11950). Al-Akida and Fort Jesus Mombasa. Nairobi / Dar es Salaam / Kampala: EALB.

Kallen, Jeffrey L. & Carol M. Eastman. 1979. ‘‘I Went to Mombasa, There I Met an Old Woman …’. Structure and Meaning in Swahili Riddles’, Journal of American Folklore 62: 418-444.

 Knappert, Jan. 1964. ‘The Chronicle of Mombasa – Asili ya Mvita’, Swahili 34, (2): 21-27.

Knappert, Jan. 1964. ‘The Chronicle of Mombasa – Asili ya Mvita’, Swahili 34, (2): 21-27.

Lambert, H. E. 1958. Chi-Jomvu and Ki-Ngare. Sub-Dialects of the Mombasa Area. (Studies in Swahili Dialect, Vol. 3). Kampala: East African Swahili Committee, Makerere College.

Miehe, Gudrun. 1983. ‘Kilwa-Chronik’; ‘Lamu-Chronik’; ‘Mombasa-Chronik’; ‘Pate-Chronik’. In: Herrmann Jungraithmayr & Wilhelm J. G. Möhlig (Hrsg.), Lexikon der Afrikanistik. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. Pp. 127-128, 143, 169, 189.

Mirza, Sarah & Margaret Strobel (eds.). 1991. Wanawake Watatu wa Kiswahili. Hadithi za Maisha Kutoka Mombasa, Kenya. [By] Kaje wa Mwenye Matano, Mishi wa Abdala, Shamsa Muhamad Muhashamy. Zimetayarishwa na kutafsiriwa na Sarah Mirza na Margaret Strobel. Bloomington / Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Nassir, Ahmad. 1971. Malenga wa Mvita. Diwani ya Ustadh Bhalo. Edited by Shihabuddin Chiragh- din. Nairobi / Dar es Salaam: Oxford University Press. (Reprint 1982).

Ntarangwi, Mwenda. 2001. ‘A Socio-historical and Contextual Analysis of Popular Musical Performance Among the Swahili of Mombasa, Kenya’, Cultural Analysis (University of California) 2:1-38.

Omar, Yahya Ali & Peter J. L. Frankl. 1990. ‘The Mombasa Chronicle. (Being a Description of MS 373394 in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London)’, Afrika und Übersee 73.1: 101-128.

Omar, Ali Yahya & Peter J. L. Frankl. 1995. ‘Mashairi ya Waadhi – ‘Verses of Admonition’: The People of Mombasa Rebuked’, pp. 138-157. In Rose-Marie Beck, Thomas Geider & Werner Graebner (eds), Swahili Forum II. (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 42). Köln: Institut für Afrikanistik, Uni- versität Köln.

Omar, Yahya Ali (in consultation with P. J. L. Frankl). 1997. ‘An Historical Review of the Arabic Rendering of Swahili Together with Proposals for the Development of a Swahili Writing System in Arabic Script (Based on the Swahili of Mombasa)’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Series 3), 7, (1): 55-71.

Omar, Yahya Ali & P. J. L. Frankl. 1997. ‘Ethnic Groups and Their Assignment within the Swahili Noun Class System (with special reference to Mombasa)’, Afrika und Übersee 80:217-231. (With a biography and bibliography of Shihabuddin Chiraghdin on pp. 228-231).

Omar, Yahya Ali. 1998. Three Prose Texts in the Swahili of Mombasa. Mit einer Einleitung von P. J. L. Frankl. (Sprache und Oralität in Afrika, Bd. 21). Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. xx + 124 pp.

Prins, A.H.J. 1982. ‘The Mtepe of Lamu, Mombasa and the Zanzibar Sea’, Paideuma 28: 85-100.

Russell, Joan. 1981. Communicative Competence in a Minority Group. A Sociolinguistic Study of the Swahili-Speaking Community in the Old Town, Mombasa. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Sheikh Omari bin Stamboul. 1951. ‘An Early History of Mombasa and Tanga’, translated by E. C. Baker, Tanganyika Notes and Records 31:32-36.

Strobel, Margaret. 1975. ‘Women’s Wedding Celebrations in Mombasa, Kenya’, African Studies Review 18, (3): 35-45.

Swartz, Marc J. (with Yahya Ali Omar). 1984. ‘Relationship Terms and Cultural Conformity among the Swahili of Mombasa’. In Joan Maw & David Parkin (eds), Swahili Language and Society. Papers from the Workshop held at the School of Oriental and African Studies in April 1982.  (Veröffentlichungen der Institute für Afrikanistik und Ägyptologie der Universität Wien, Bd. 33; Beiträge zur Afrikanistik, Bd. 23). Wien: Afro-Pub. Pp. 229-245.

Swartz, Mark J. 1998. ‘Envy, Justified Dissatisfaction, and Jealousy in Mombasa Swahili Culture’, Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere 53:27-46.

Taylor, William Ernest. 1932/33. ‘A Swahili Tale in the Dialect of Mombasa’, Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen 23:1-24.

Topan, Farouk M. 1971. ‘Oral Literature in a Ritual Setting: The Role of Spirit Songs in a Spirit Mediumship Cult in Mombasa, Kenya’. Ph. D. Thesis, University of London.

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