Chimiini Culture

Documentation that primarily focuses on research about Miini life and culture either in Africa or the diaspora will be found here. Language data that directly reflects Miini culture will also be featured here. A bibliography that lists relevant research will be found at the bottom of this page; this will be updated as information becomes available.

box4  Brent Henderson, University of Florida. A collection of approximately 40 Chimiini proverbs with English translation. Proverbs Collection

box4  Brent Henderson, University of Florida.A collection of four folktales with English translation and audio. Folktale Collection

 box4  A POEM ABOUT PRIDE AND THE RELIGIOUS POETIC HERITAGE OF BRAVA  by Lidwien Kapteijns, Mohamed Kassim, and Alessandra Vianello ©:  Vianello – Shteenzi Cha Kibri


Vianello, Alessandra. 1989. Somalia: jewels and cultural background, Somalia – Monili e Ornamenti tradizionali (Catalogue of Exhibition). Istituto Italo-Africano.

Vianello, Alessandra. 2008. The Poetic heritage of Brava: an introduction.  Halabuur 3:1/2.

Vianello, Alessandra. 2009.  Brava skullcaps (Makoofiya ya Stuundru), Halabuur 4:1/2.

Vianello, Alessandra. Forthcoming. Brava 19th – 20th century: A Swahili cultural enclave in a Somali context. Presented at the Swahili Workshop, Urbino, Italy, May 2007.

Vianello, Alessandra (with Bana Banafunzi). 2012. One hundred years in Brava: Examples from Brava poetry: The migration of the ‘Umar Ba ‘Umar from Hadhramaut to East Africa and back, c. 1890-1990. Journal of Eastern African Studies 6.4.

Vianello, Alessandra (with Bana Banafunzi). 2014. Chimi:ni in Arabic script: examples from Brava Poetry, in Mumin, Meikal and Kees Versteegh, eds. The Arabic Script in Africa. Boston: Brill.

Vianello, Alessandra and Marina Moloni. 1988. Architettura domestica a Brava tra la fine dell’ottocento e i primi del novecento. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Progettazione dell’Architettura, Politecnico di Milano 8.

Vianello, Alessandra and Marina Moloni. 1990. Brava, citta dimenticata. Storia Urbana 53.

Vianello, Alessandra and Mohamed M. Kassim. 2006. Servants of the Sharia : The Civil Register of the Qadis’ Court of Brava, 1893-1900. Boston: Brill.

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