Chimiini Bibliography

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Abasheikh, M. 1976. Reflexivization in Chimwi:ni. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 6.2: 1-22.

Abasheikh, M. 1979. The Grammar of Chimwi:ni Causatives. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Abasheikh, M. 1979. Arabic influence on Chimwi-ni and Swahili. Ms, King Abdulaziz University.

Amidu, A. 1995. Kiswahili: people, language, literature and lingua franca. Nordic Journal of African Studies 4:104-123.

Andrzejewski, B. W. 1968. Is there Arabic Influence on Somali Poetry? Seminar on Islamic Influences on the Literary Cultures of Africa. London: School of Oriental and African Studies.

Banafunzi, B. M. S. 1996. The education of the Bravanese community: key issues of culture and identity. Educational Studies 22:331-343.

Batibo, H. 2005. Language Decline and Death in Africa: causes, consequences, and challenges. Multilingual Matters, Ltd.

Besteman, C. 1999. Unraveling Somalia: Race, Violence, and the Legacy of Slavery. Philadephia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Dixon, R. 1997. The Rise and Fall of Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

El Bushra, J. and I. Sahl. 2005. Cycles of Violence: gender relations and armed conflict. Nairobi: Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development.

Goodman, M. 1967. Prosodic features of Bravanese, a Swahili dialect. Journal of African Linguistics 6:278-284.

Henderson, Brent. 2010. Chimwiini: Endangered status and syntactic distinctiveness. The Journal of West African Languages, 37.1:75-91.

Henderson, Brent and C.W. Kisseberth. 2011. Varieties of External Possession in Chimwiini. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory. SOAS, London.

Henderson, B. and C. Kisseberth. The Typology of Applicatives and Instrumentals in Chimwiini.

Henderson, B. In progress. Revisiting Global Rules in Chimwiini.

Henderson, Brent w/ Charles Kisseberth. In progress.  A Reference Grammar of Chimiini.

Henderson, Brent w/ Charles Kisseberth. Chimiini Proverbs and Idioms (500+ compiled so far).

Henderson, Brent w/ Charles Kisseberth and Alessandra Vianello. A Practical Dictionary of Chimiini.

Henderson, Brent. Forthcoming. External Possession in Chimwiini. Journal of Linguistics Accepted for publication 3/24/2013

Hinnebusch, T. and D. Nurse. 1993. Swahili and Sabaki: a Linguistic History. Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Kisseberth, C.W. 2005. Accent and phrasing in Chimwiini. In: Kaji, S. (Ed.), Proceedings of the symposium: Cross-linguistic studies of tonal phenomena, 129-145. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA). Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo.

Kisseberth, C. W. (2010a) Optimality theory and the theory of phonological phrasing: the Chimwiini evidence. In: Erteschik-Shir, N., Rochman, L. (Eds.). The Sound Pattern of Syntax. Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 217-246.

Kisseberth, C. W. (2010b) Phrasing and relative clauses in Chimwiini. In: Downing, L., Rialland, A., Beltzung, J-M., Manus, S., Patin, C., Riedel, K. (Eds.), ZAS Papers in Linguistics 53: 109-144.

Kisseberth, C. W. 2011. Phonological Phrasing and Questions in Chimwiini. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 55:83-116.

Kisseberth, C. W. and M. I. Abasheikh. 1974. Vowel length in Chi-mwi:ni – a case study of the role of grammar in morphology. In M. W. La Galy, R. A. Fox, and A. Bruck (eds.) Parasession on natural Phonology. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.

Kisseberth, C. W. and M. I. Abasheikh. 1975. The perfect stem in Chi-mwi:ni and global rules. Studies in African Linguistics 6 (3), 249-266.

Kisseberth, C. W. and M. I. Abasheikh. 1976a. A morphophonemic rule in Chi-mwi:ni: evidence from loanwords. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 6, 205-218.

Kisseberth, C. W. and M. I. Abasheikh. 1976b. Chi-mwi:ni prefix morphophonemics. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 6, 142-173.

Kisseberth, C. W. and M. I. Abasheikh. 1976c. On the interaction of phonology and morphology: a Chi-mwi:ni example. Studies in African Linguistics 7 (1), 31-40.

Kisseberth, C. W. and M. I. Abasheikh. 1977. The ‘object’ relationship in Chi-mwi:ni, a Bantu language. In P. Cole and J. N. Sadock (eds.), Syntax and Semantics, Vol. 8. New York: Academic Press, 179-218.

Kisseberth, C. W. and M. I. Abasheikh. 2001. Aspects of Chimwiini Syntax. Ms.

Kisseberth, C. W., Abasheikh, M. I. (2004) The Chimwiini Lexicon Exemplified. Asian and African Lexicon no.45: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo.

Kisseberth, C. W. and M. I. Abasheikh. 2008. Chimwiini phonological phrasing revisted. Handout from talk given at the Second Prosody-Syntax Interface Workshop (PSI 2), 13- 14 June, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS).

Kisseberth, C. W. and M. I. Abasheikh. 2011. Chimwiini phonological phrasing revisited. Lingua 121:1987-2013.

Mukhtar, M. 2002. Port Cities of the Horn: Barawa, Marka, Mogadishu, and Zayla. Web: The Indian Ocean: Cradle of Globalization,

Nurse, D. 1982. . The Swahili Dialects of Somalia and the Northern Kenya Coast. In M-F Rombi (ed.). Etudes sur le Bantu Oriental. Paris: SELAF, 73-146.

Nurse, D., 1985. Dentality, areal features, and phonological change in northeastern Bantu. Studies in African Linguistics 16.3:243–279.

Nurse, D., 1991. Language contact, creolization, and genetic linguistics: the case of Mwiini. In: Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Special Session on African Language Structures. pp. 177–187.

Nurse, D. 1994. Historical texts from the Swahili coast. Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere 37:47-85.

Nurse, D. 2009. The demise of Bantu in Somalia. In Floricic, F. (ed.), Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale. Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels. Lyon: ENS Editions, 187-199

Prins, A.. 1967. The Swahili-Speaking Peoples of Zanzibar, and the East African Coast (Arabs, Shirazi and Swahili). London: International African Institute.

Vianello, Alessandra, forthcoming. Brava 19th – 20th century: A Swahili cultural enclave in a Somali context. Presented at the Swahili Workshop, Urbino, Italy, May 2007.

Vianello, Alessandra. 1989. Somalia: jewels and cultural background, Somalia – Monili e Ornamenti tradizionali (Catalogue of Exhibition). Istituto Italo-Africano.

Vianello, Alessandra. 2008. The Poetic heritage of Brava: an introduction.  Halabuur 3:1/2.

Vianello, Alessandra. 2009.  Brava skullcaps (Makoofiya ya Stuundru), Halabuur 4:1/2.

Vianello, Alessandra (with Bana Banafunzi). 2012. One hundred years in Brava: Examples from Brava poetry: The migration of the ‘Umar Ba ‘Umar from Hadhramaut to East Africa and back, c. 1890-1990. Journal of Eastern African Studies 6.4.

Vianello, Alessandra (with Bana Banafunzi). 2014. Chimi:ni in Arabic script: examples from Brava Poetry, in Mumin, Meikal and Kees Versteegh, eds. The Arabic Script in Africa. Boston: Brill.

Vianello, Alessandra and Marina Moloni. 1988. Architettura domestica a Brava tra la fine dell’ottocento e i primi del novecento. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Progettazione dell’Architettura, Politecnico di Milano 8.

Vianello, Alessandra and Marina Moloni. 1990. Brava, citta dimenticata. Storia Urbana 53.

Vianello, Alessandra and Mohamed M. Kassim. 2006. Servants of the Sharia : The Civil Register of the Qadis’ Court of Brava, 1893-1900. Boston: Brill.

Whiteley, W. H. 1965. Notes on the Ci-miini dialect of Swahili. African Language Studies 6, 67-72.

Whitley, W. H. 1969. Swahili: the rise of a national language. London: Methuen.

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